Monday, January 28, 2008

Finished Reading CHINDIA

Today i finshed reading the book 'CHINDIA - How China and India Are Revolutionising Global Business'. This is a collection of Essays about how CHINA and INDIA are reshaping the world and global business. It was really a interesting reading.

After coming onsite, i read very less number of books. In the past 4 months i read 3 books and today i started reading one new one. Just wanted to make a note of these books here.

1. Complications - A Surgeon's Note on an Imperfect Science

It is a look at the medical profession from the inside -- written by surgical resident Atul Gawande, it is a frank, thought-provoking commentary on what happens when fallible human beings do a job that requires infallibility. In its chapters, he reveals that doctors make mistakes more often than most of us think -- and that while there are bad doctors, the more usual case is the good doctor having a bad day, or the problem for which all the training in the world would not have been enough...

CHINDIA - How China and India Are Revolutionising Global Business

This is a collection of Essays about how CHINA and INDIA are reshaping the world and global business. It was really a interesting reading. Eventhough i paid 25$ for this book, worth reading.

3. Open My Eyes, Open My Soul : Celebrating Our Common Humanity

It is a collection of stories( more than stories it is experiences) written by prominent figures from diverse community in the world. Notable writers include Muhammad Ali and Robert kennedy.Jr.

Compiler by Yolanda King and Elodia Tate.

4. All The Best, George Bush: My Life and Other Writings

Collection of letters written by George Bush throughout his life. The collection includes letters written to parents and Barbara bush during World War II, about his ambassadorship to
the U. N., his service as an envoy in China, his tenure with the Central Intelligence Agency, and of course, the vice presidency, the presidency, and the post-presidency. Just started reading. Seems to be interesting.

I got the books 3 and 4 for just 1$ each from Dollarama, Ottawa.

Started using LinkedIn again

Most of you may be using LinkedIn. I too started using it long time back. But I did not open LinkedIn for a long time. But when i was searching through google for some data, i found a link to my LinkedIn account. So, again i am going to get active in LinkedIn. My LinedIn account is

For those who don't know about LinkedIn:

LinkedIn is a business-oriented networking site founded in December 2002 and launched in May 2003, mainly used for professional networking. As of January 2008, it had more than 17 million registered users, spanning 150 industries

Hope to meet you there..I am going to expand my network in LinkedIn.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Watched Taare Zameen Par last week

As usual, here also i am too late..I got good reviews about this film from my friends from the releasing day itself. But last week only i could able to watch it. Really nice one..!! A must watch for all parents, who wants to see their son, daughter as engineer, doctor, IAS any cost.

Thanks Cijo for giving the download link. Aamirkhan is one of my favorite in film industry. Not as a good actor. But he is a sensible producer, director. His films will be somehow different from the usual Hindi film subjects.

Aamir again proves that "Even an unusual story can be told in an interesting manner to the taste of the multitudes". Really a low budget film. But he could able to attract the film lovers to theatres with his own way of film making. Hats off to Aamir Khan..!!

And watch this film in your free time (if you did not watch it till now).

Me too started a personal blog

I am too late to start blogging about my life. But "Better late than never"...correct?
I was having habit of writing diary sometime back. But in this world of intenet it is better to scrap it here blog. I am starting this blog with that aim. Later in life, it will be nice to read about our thoughts, feelings, experiences, imaginations in past..And my friends can read about happenings in my life here. Sending mail to everyone is not easy. So, i will try to update my blog atleast once in a week. So, read more in the coming days..

please go through my other blogs here // This blog will be a place to read about India's development and anything related to that.

Technical blog // Just like this blog, i am going to start it now. Will update here after starting..