Monday, June 15, 2009

On Leave

Yesterday and Today i have taken leave due to Viral fever. Hopefully by the end of the day, i should be fine. At least my doctor think so. .:)

The major reason i did not go to office is the body pain associated with the Viral fever. It was so feeling better. I dont want to sit in the coolest place( Seems like office admin guys want to make NSN office the coolest work place by reducing AC temperature..:)) in Bangalore with this body pain. Anyway got enough time for sleeping, watching TV, reading - little bit and browsing.

I started twittering some time back - Social networking and microblogging sites are a lot these days.

Got a good link from my friend - 25 Mythical and Humorous Facts About Linus Torvalds and 15 Mythical and Humorous Facts About Richard Stallman

A funny reading....!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009


It is a long time since i published my last blog post...!! Actually it was not because of lack of time..Just i was lazzy..!! anyway now feeling interested to blog again.

anyway there was not much happening in my life for the last few months. After coming back from Ottawa in last December, I was in Chennai for only two days. On December 22nd i joined Aricent Bangalore. It is a new project for Nokia Siemens network. The domain is different - till now i was working in Optical and Metro ethernet technologies. This NSN project is in UMTS technology. So, it was interesting in the first 2-3 months.

From February first week, I am working from NSN office in Infantry road. Comparing to foreign onsite, local onsite is a different experience. Personally i feel Foreign onsite was good and there are reasons to think so - ofcourse not only money...:) But after all it is just a business and doing good work matters finally. Anyway, now work is going good.

Did not have much trips in the last months. Only trip was to Trivandrum and Kanyakumari. It was a good one..!! Anyway planning to have some good trip in August first week or end.

Want to write a lot of things -but going to watch a film now..will update later.