Monday, June 15, 2009

On Leave

Yesterday and Today i have taken leave due to Viral fever. Hopefully by the end of the day, i should be fine. At least my doctor think so. .:)

The major reason i did not go to office is the body pain associated with the Viral fever. It was so feeling better. I dont want to sit in the coolest place( Seems like office admin guys want to make NSN office the coolest work place by reducing AC temperature..:)) in Bangalore with this body pain. Anyway got enough time for sleeping, watching TV, reading - little bit and browsing.

I started twittering some time back - Social networking and microblogging sites are a lot these days.

Got a good link from my friend - 25 Mythical and Humorous Facts About Linus Torvalds and 15 Mythical and Humorous Facts About Richard Stallman

A funny reading....!!

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