Friday, September 10, 2010

From uOttawa

I am writing this post from Ottawa University. Time is 7:40 PM. I am planning to write this post for a long time. Because, a lot of good things happened for me in the last 30-40 days...

August16th was my last day in Aricent. I loved working there and still would love to work, if i get a good chance. If i didnt join for higher studies, i would have continued there most pbbly. Yes, i was happy working there. Nothing to be regretted and good money, it is not great though...:)

And August27th, we shifted to a new house. Pictures here: Yes, construction was happening for last 2 years and happy that financial burden is not much..very much manageable. And happy that achan dont need to be worried about "how to get workers..u know it is a big problem" and supervising, etc...Eventhough i didnt get much time to stay there, since i travelled to Ottawa on September 5th.

Yes, i joined for the M.A.Sc program in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Network Communications. It is a two year program. And i am getting a research assistantship..:) So,not much financial burden there too. Hope i can continue this assitantship for next term also. Bye now..more details follow..My friend is calling to go somewhere. Happy weekend.


Unknown said...

Happy week end da...

Unknown said...

hai brother

Nice to hear that you are happy there.

Unknown said...

Hai Brother

Nice to hear that you are happy there