Friday, October 1, 2010

God must be doing a lot of research...!!

Yes..all over the world, researchers are trying to invent new ideas/products and day by day new products are released in the market. But is it still comparable to creations of God..? Consider human beautiful it is. Sometimes very very Gorgeous and sexy..:) The equivalent creation of us - robots? How ugly they are..and still is it reliable compared to human being? I think no..Thats the reason i started listing down different areas of research happening all around the world. And it is just simple to observe..All these products are evolved or copied from (or still trying to copy) from God. Thanks God..there is no Patent system exist for you. Otherwise people should be trying hard to get a good patent..:) Correct?

And we should say, human research potential reached its threshold in the last 5-10 years. Most of the research happening in the world are trying to imitate creations of God. But, still not successful...:) Machine learning, Neural networks, Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Image Processing, Storage systems, robotics, etc, etc.....Still counting. Basically, what is happening here?

Machine learning, Neural networks, Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Storage systems - Trying to imitate the human brain. Is'nt it...? I really dont know what is the storage capacity of human hard disk...But it should be in order of terabytes( or more..?). Most of the storage systems existing today does not find a efficient way to store multimedia data, especially video. But just ask a child..he can explain you hundreds of film sequences taking from his memory...!! This is the case with Information Technology. Still fine..researchers did a lot of things, what God could not do. We should be happy...!! But just give some time for thinking about Biotechnology research...!! This is the reason all the managers are telling to document the project i got it very clearly...:) If God documented it somewhere, our job should have been a lot easier. Anyway now let us reinvent the wheel. Wish you a happy and relaxing weekend.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Ottawa first month at a glance

Always i write more posts when i come here, Ottawa. It is quite natural..Here everyone express themselves using facebook, twitter, blogs..and in India phone calls are quite cheap...:) And more than that, there we communicate lively about almost all the topics and had a lot of free time, friends..Yes, i know - here people are more concerned about money than human relationship. Thats the way system works here. Nothing wrong...!! Different experiences are always good and thats why i came here too..I mean the money part, family and friends are always top priority for me. But the question i always ask myself and discussed a lot with friends is "Is these two inversely proportional, at least to some extent..?" To be frank, i dont know the answer and as of now i am happy with this life and i try my best to keep in touch with friends and family. And one thing i like about the life is it is quite flexible.. End of the day we can decide what to do, where to stay, etc...

Classes are started and quite a natural question everyone ask me, when they are pinging in facebook, gtalk, phone..How is it? And the answer is not very different i used to tell 5 years ago..Classes are always boring, at least not interesting..:) Especially if it is theory classes. Always i felt reading a book, googling or discussions give more freedom to think and clarify doubts. And like my friend, Paul told me before coming here.."After working in Industry for sometime, you may find theories useless" ..Half correct. But sometime it is quite easy to appreciate the topic, if we worked on real time issues. I am just going and attending the classes..did not start any preparation, assignments. Free time is the most expensive commodity in this country..People are dying for that. Just opposite to India. At least in my case, it is 100% true. My friends in Bangalore know better, how much free time i had there and at least some of them were envious..:) . My class timings are usually from 5:30 to 7 PM daily..So, morning i get some free time to read, work, prepare for the classes..So far, so good.

Friday, September 10, 2010

From uOttawa

I am writing this post from Ottawa University. Time is 7:40 PM. I am planning to write this post for a long time. Because, a lot of good things happened for me in the last 30-40 days...

August16th was my last day in Aricent. I loved working there and still would love to work, if i get a good chance. If i didnt join for higher studies, i would have continued there most pbbly. Yes, i was happy working there. Nothing to be regretted and good money, it is not great though...:)

And August27th, we shifted to a new house. Pictures here: Yes, construction was happening for last 2 years and happy that financial burden is not much..very much manageable. And happy that achan dont need to be worried about "how to get workers..u know it is a big problem" and supervising, etc...Eventhough i didnt get much time to stay there, since i travelled to Ottawa on September 5th.

Yes, i joined for the M.A.Sc program in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Network Communications. It is a two year program. And i am getting a research assistantship..:) So,not much financial burden there too. Hope i can continue this assitantship for next term also. Bye now..more details follow..My friend is calling to go somewhere. Happy weekend.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Change in About Me

I know, all of you are confused with the subject line..So, just to make it clear My about me till now was like this " I am dreaming about a developed India.I believe that Education, Entrepreneurship and Technology are the keys to a developed nation."....Still about me remains same..But that dream is not prominent these days..Some how i feel this is very difficult without a drastic change and a lot of positive energy in people. In the last 2-3 months i was thinking( actually i was thinking very aloud...Ask some of my NSN colleagues and room mates..:) about all these negative factors - say high population( alot of people think that is the basic issue), politics in work place, low level attitude of Indian geniuses. Still the discussions going on, whenever no other subject come in to mind when alcohol content increaes in the blood...:) But the final result of the decision was a BIG 0000000000000000, just like most of the office discussions.

But one think is sure, i am not enjoying this place no more and feeling very bad about some of the (experiencing) realities of Bangalore life.

No way to play Soccer here, or we have to put so much effort. Say a word cricket - people will assemble in the ground, as if they will get free lunch after the game

Driving the bike for 30 minutes is enough for a good sleep.. So, much tiresome..I dont know why these guys are horning always, even if they know there is not a single inch to move. But finally i got a solution for this issue. I also started horning continuously..some how feeling happy..:) Trying to be part of this .... system.

And as i mentioned in one post appx two years ago(, it is confirmed from my side. I am going for higher studies.. Applied to Three Universities in Canada for Septmeber Term. But not sure about the Funding and Admission decision, since i applied in the 11th hour..But hopefully if everything else is going fine( Especially my house construction is not yet finished), i will fly to Canada this year. Anyway i think i can stop here now. You can get the next post, when i am feeling so bored of life next time....:)

Monday, June 15, 2009

On Leave

Yesterday and Today i have taken leave due to Viral fever. Hopefully by the end of the day, i should be fine. At least my doctor think so. .:)

The major reason i did not go to office is the body pain associated with the Viral fever. It was so feeling better. I dont want to sit in the coolest place( Seems like office admin guys want to make NSN office the coolest work place by reducing AC temperature..:)) in Bangalore with this body pain. Anyway got enough time for sleeping, watching TV, reading - little bit and browsing.

I started twittering some time back - Social networking and microblogging sites are a lot these days.

Got a good link from my friend - 25 Mythical and Humorous Facts About Linus Torvalds and 15 Mythical and Humorous Facts About Richard Stallman

A funny reading....!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009


It is a long time since i published my last blog post...!! Actually it was not because of lack of time..Just i was lazzy..!! anyway now feeling interested to blog again.

anyway there was not much happening in my life for the last few months. After coming back from Ottawa in last December, I was in Chennai for only two days. On December 22nd i joined Aricent Bangalore. It is a new project for Nokia Siemens network. The domain is different - till now i was working in Optical and Metro ethernet technologies. This NSN project is in UMTS technology. So, it was interesting in the first 2-3 months.

From February first week, I am working from NSN office in Infantry road. Comparing to foreign onsite, local onsite is a different experience. Personally i feel Foreign onsite was good and there are reasons to think so - ofcourse not only money...:) But after all it is just a business and doing good work matters finally. Anyway, now work is going good.

Did not have much trips in the last months. Only trip was to Trivandrum and Kanyakumari. It was a good one..!! Anyway planning to have some good trip in August first week or end.

Want to write a lot of things -but going to watch a film now..will update later.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Flextronics Xmas party

Forgot to say about the Xmas party of Flextronics in the last was really nice one.

Had a good time. Here the photos: